Financial Services
Coding monthly expenses and revenue can be a tedious and time consuming process.
Schooldash is offering to take this role upon ourselves to save your school time and effort.
How it works:
Schooldash will provide a link to a folder online to store all statements and receipts for the expenses and revenue coding.
Every month the school will upload their credit card and bank statements to the folder. Schooldash will convert the statements into an editable coversheet.
The school will share the list of budget codes that are currently being used. Schooldash will review the receipts for every transaction and determine the appropriate budget code to use.
Schooldash is offering two options to put together all of the receipts. The school can either provide access to the online systems for us to retrieve the receipt, or the receipt can be directly uploaded to the shared folder.
When the coversheets and receipts are compiled they will be uploaded into a sub folder for the school to review and process into their current systems.