Sample Dashboard
All of these reports are in the Sample Dashboard.
You may choose any or all reports to be used in your school’s dashboard.
Additional custom reports may be created for your school and maintained by schooldash.
District Reports
Enrollment Summary - This report shows student enrollment broken down by grade level for each school site.
Academic Summary - This report shows student grades broken down by grade level for each school site.
Attendance Summary - This report shows student class and daily attendance metrics broken down by grade level for each school site.
Discipline Summary - This report shows student incidents and staff comments broken down by grade level for each school site.
Dashboard Links - The District will have all their individual school site dashboards links posted here for ease of access. Check with your Schooldash representative to potentially gain access to the school site dashboards.
Utility Reports
Missing Student Data - This report is used to track student demographic and family contact information that the school has not added to the school’s information system yet.
Missing State Data - This report is used to track state data that the school has not added to the school’s information system yet. The state data that the school wishes to track will be chosen by the school.
Student Demographics - This report shows the overall school demographic numbers and percentages.
Enrollment Trend - This report shows the enrollment counts over time to track enrollment counts.
Emergency Map - This map will show the locations of all students. This map is to be used in conjunction with public emergency maps to determine which families may need to be contacted. Contact info is shown here.
Grade Reports
Students To Support - This report shows every student with classes that are not being passed. Each student is sorted by the amount of classes not being passed so that teachers and staff always know who needs the most support. This report can also be used by teachers and staff by using the dropdown filters to review individual classes and students.
Demographics - This report shows the average grades in each demographic. If a group of students is doing significantly worse, then a plan of action could be considered.
Trends - This report shows the average grades over time to determine if major changes or supports are needed to change the current trend in student academics.
Student, Teacher, and Class Averages - These reports show a simple average of each subject. A quick comparison of the average grades over teachers and classes can highlight which teachers or classes need support.
Attendance Reports
Students To Support - This report shows multiple attendance metrics for each student. Each student is sorted by attendance so that teachers and staff always know who needs the most support. This report can also be used by teachers and staff by using the dropdown filters to review individual classes and students.
Timerange Snapshot - This report is designed to allow schools to review recent class attendance and provide students with support based on recent dates. Using this list office staff can upload a partial list of Student ID's to the school's communication system for broadcasts, or directly contact the list of students for support.
Demographics - This report shows the attendance for daily absences, class absences, and class tardies in each demographic. If a group of students is doing significantly worse, then a plan of action could be considered.
Trends - This report shows the count of class absences and tardies over time to determine if major changes or supports are needed to change the current trend in students attendance.
Teacher and Class Summaries - These reports show a simple attendance summary of each teacher and class. A quick comparison of the teachers and classes can highlight which teachers or classes need support.
Discipline Reports
Students To Support - This report shows all incidents and comments made by the school for each student. This report is used by staff to review the top students that may need the most support.
Incident Demographics - This report shows the counts of incidents in each student demographic. If a group of students is doing significantly worse, then a plan of action could be considered.
Comment Demographics - This report shows the counts of comments in each student demographic. If a group of students is doing significantly worse, then a plan of action could be considered.
Incident Trends - This report shows the count of incidents over time to assist in determining if changes or supports are needed to change the current incident trend in students discipline procedures.
Comment Trends - This report shows the count of comments over time to assist in determining if changes or supports are needed to change the current comment trend in students discipline procedures.
Summary Counts - This report shows the count of each incident and comment over the school year summarized by type.
Other Reports
Other - Other data from the school can be used to create additional reports.